| |
- Enumeration(Propertied)
- PenCap
- PenJoin
- PenStyle
- wxPyPen(wxPyPenPtr)
- wxPen
class PenCap(Enumeration) |
Enumeration representing a pen-cap style |
- Method resolution order:
- PenCap
- Enumeration
- Propertied
- object
Data and other attributes defined here:
- dataType = 'enumeration.pencap'
- set = {u'wxCAP_ROUND': EnumerationChoice( name=u'wxCAP...JECTING', value=131, friendlyName=u'Projecting')}
Methods inherited from Enumeration:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Compare this value to another value
- __init__(self, name='', *arguments, **named)
- __repr__(self)
- Return a code-like representation of this object
- choice(self)
- Get the choice object associated with this value or None
- value(self)
- Get the value associated with this choice
Class methods inherited from Enumeration:
- allInstances(cls) from type
- Return cls instances for each of this class's set
- check(cls, value) from type
- Check whether value is of cls type, and has the same set
- coerce(cls, value) from type
- Coerce a value into an Enumeration value
Accepted types:
Enumeration objects
([name,name,name],remainder) tuples
[name,name,name,value] lists (values are |'d together)
- fromValue(cls, value) from type
- Create from an integer value
- parse(cls, value) from type
- Create from a string value
Possible formats:
Data and other attributes inherited from Enumeration:
- name = <BasicProperty 'name'>
- Data-value choice within one of our sets
Methods inherited from Propertied:
- __str__(self)
- Get a friendly representation of the object
- clone(self, **newValues)
- Clone this object, with optional new property values
This method calls the __init__ method of your class with
the current property values of your class. Providing newValues
(a dictionary) overrides property settings with new values.
- getCloneProperties(self)
- Get properties dictionary (key:value) for use in cloning of the instance
By default you get getProperties()' values, with an
attempt made to use the property's name, then the property's
direct "__get__" method.
- toString(self, indentation='', alreadyDone=None, indentString=' ')
- Get a nicely formatted representation of this object
This version assumes that getProperties returns
the list of properties which should be presented,
it recursively calls it's children with greater
indents to get their representations.
indentation -- current string indentation level
alreadyDone -- set of object ids which are already finished
XXX Needs a far better API, likely a stand-alone class
without the automatic inheritance problems here :(
Class methods inherited from Propertied:
- getProperties(cls) from type
- Get the BasicProperty properties for a particular object's class
Data and other attributes inherited from Propertied:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object at 0x029B4A70>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Propertied' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class PenJoin(Enumeration) |
Enumeration representing a pen-join style |
- Method resolution order:
- PenJoin
- Enumeration
- Propertied
- object
Data and other attributes defined here:
- dataType = 'enumeration.penjoin'
- set = {u'wxJOIN_BEVEL': EnumerationChoice( name=u'wxJO...wxJOIN_ROUND', value=122, friendlyName=u'Round')}
Methods inherited from Enumeration:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Compare this value to another value
- __init__(self, name='', *arguments, **named)
- __repr__(self)
- Return a code-like representation of this object
- choice(self)
- Get the choice object associated with this value or None
- value(self)
- Get the value associated with this choice
Class methods inherited from Enumeration:
- allInstances(cls) from type
- Return cls instances for each of this class's set
- check(cls, value) from type
- Check whether value is of cls type, and has the same set
- coerce(cls, value) from type
- Coerce a value into an Enumeration value
Accepted types:
Enumeration objects
([name,name,name],remainder) tuples
[name,name,name,value] lists (values are |'d together)
- fromValue(cls, value) from type
- Create from an integer value
- parse(cls, value) from type
- Create from a string value
Possible formats:
Data and other attributes inherited from Enumeration:
- name = <BasicProperty 'name'>
- Data-value choice within one of our sets
Methods inherited from Propertied:
- __str__(self)
- Get a friendly representation of the object
- clone(self, **newValues)
- Clone this object, with optional new property values
This method calls the __init__ method of your class with
the current property values of your class. Providing newValues
(a dictionary) overrides property settings with new values.
- getCloneProperties(self)
- Get properties dictionary (key:value) for use in cloning of the instance
By default you get getProperties()' values, with an
attempt made to use the property's name, then the property's
direct "__get__" method.
- toString(self, indentation='', alreadyDone=None, indentString=' ')
- Get a nicely formatted representation of this object
This version assumes that getProperties returns
the list of properties which should be presented,
it recursively calls it's children with greater
indents to get their representations.
indentation -- current string indentation level
alreadyDone -- set of object ids which are already finished
XXX Needs a far better API, likely a stand-alone class
without the automatic inheritance problems here :(
Class methods inherited from Propertied:
- getProperties(cls) from type
- Get the BasicProperty properties for a particular object's class
Data and other attributes inherited from Propertied:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object at 0x029B4BD0>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Propertied' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class PenStyle(Enumeration) |
Enumeration representing a pen-drawing style |
- Method resolution order:
- PenStyle
- Enumeration
- Propertied
- object
Data and other attributes defined here:
- dataType = 'enumeration.penstyle'
- set = {u'wxVERTICAL_HATCH': EnumerationChoice( name=u'...PARENT', value=106, friendlyName=u'Transparent')}
Methods inherited from Enumeration:
- __cmp__(self, other)
- Compare this value to another value
- __init__(self, name='', *arguments, **named)
- __repr__(self)
- Return a code-like representation of this object
- choice(self)
- Get the choice object associated with this value or None
- value(self)
- Get the value associated with this choice
Class methods inherited from Enumeration:
- allInstances(cls) from type
- Return cls instances for each of this class's set
- check(cls, value) from type
- Check whether value is of cls type, and has the same set
- coerce(cls, value) from type
- Coerce a value into an Enumeration value
Accepted types:
Enumeration objects
([name,name,name],remainder) tuples
[name,name,name,value] lists (values are |'d together)
- fromValue(cls, value) from type
- Create from an integer value
- parse(cls, value) from type
- Create from a string value
Possible formats:
Data and other attributes inherited from Enumeration:
- name = <BasicProperty 'name'>
- Data-value choice within one of our sets
Methods inherited from Propertied:
- __str__(self)
- Get a friendly representation of the object
- clone(self, **newValues)
- Clone this object, with optional new property values
This method calls the __init__ method of your class with
the current property values of your class. Providing newValues
(a dictionary) overrides property settings with new values.
- getCloneProperties(self)
- Get properties dictionary (key:value) for use in cloning of the instance
By default you get getProperties()' values, with an
attempt made to use the property's name, then the property's
direct "__get__" method.
- toString(self, indentation='', alreadyDone=None, indentString=' ')
- Get a nicely formatted representation of this object
This version assumes that getProperties returns
the list of properties which should be presented,
it recursively calls it's children with greater
indents to get their representations.
indentation -- current string indentation level
alreadyDone -- set of object ids which are already finished
XXX Needs a far better API, likely a stand-alone class
without the automatic inheritance problems here :(
Class methods inherited from Propertied:
- getProperties(cls) from type
- Get the BasicProperty properties for a particular object's class
Data and other attributes inherited from Propertied:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object at 0x029B4F30>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Propertied' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class wxPen(wxPyPen) |
A somewhat easier-to-use Pen class for use with basictypes |
- Method resolution order:
- wxPen
- wxPyPen
- wxPyPenPtr
- wxPenPtr
- wxGDIObjectPtr
- wxObjectPtr
Methods defined here:
- __eq__(self, other)
- Compare our core values to pen defined in other
- __init__(self, colour='BLACK', width=1, style=100, cap=130, join=122, stipple=None, dashes=None)
- Initialize the wxPen object
colour -- wxColour specifier, a wxColour, a named colour
or a #ffffff formatted string value
width -- pen-width in pixels
style -- one of the wxPen style constants
cap -- one of the wxPen cap constants
join -- one of the wxPen join constants
stipple -- when style == wxSTIPPLE, a bitmap used to
control the drawing style
dashes -- when style == wxUSER_DASH, an array used to
control the drawing style
XXX what is the array of? lengths? I assume it's
just a python list of something, but I don't
know what.
- __repr__(self)
- Get a nice debugging representation of this object
- coreValues(self)
- Get the core values for this instance
Class methods defined here:
- check(cls, value) from __builtin__.classobj
- Check that value is a wxPen instance
- coerce(cls, value) from __builtin__.classobj
- Coerce value to an instance of baseType
object: w/ style, colour and width props (cap, join, and stipple optional)
tuple (colour,width,style,cap,join,stipple)
dict w/ names
Data and other attributes defined here:
- coreAttributes = ('colour', 'width', 'style', 'cap', 'join')
- dataType = 'wx.pen'
- extraAttributes = ('stipple', 'dashes')
Methods inherited from wxPyPenPtr:
- SetDashes(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- __del__(self, delfunc=<built-in function delete_wxPyPen>)
- __getstate__ = wxPenOut(value)
- __setstate__ = wxPyPenIn(self, (colour, init, props))
Methods inherited from wxPenPtr:
- GetCap(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- GetColour(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- GetDashes(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- GetJoin(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- GetStipple(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- GetStyle(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- GetWidth(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- Ok(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- SetCap(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- SetColour(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- SetJoin(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- SetStipple(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- SetStyle(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- SetWidth(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- __nonzero__(self)
Methods inherited from wxGDIObjectPtr:
- GetVisible(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- IsNull(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- SetVisible(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
Methods inherited from wxObjectPtr:
- Destroy(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
- GetClassName(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
| |